FICAN South comprises of HUS Helsinki University Hospital, Wellbeing services county of Päijät-Häme (PäijätHA), Wellbeing services county of Kymenlaakso (Kymenhva), Wellbeing services county of South Karelia (EKhva), and University of Helsinki, which is in charge of medical research and education.

We operate in Southern Finland as part of the National Cancer Center Finland (FICAN)

Regional cancer centers were launched in 2018 and they operate in university hospitals in Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, Kuopio, and Oulu. The regional cancer centers and the unit coordinating national activities together make up the National Cancer Center Finland FICAN, which aims to improve and streamline cancer treatment on a national level, and make sure that all patients have equal access to high quality care. FICAN South cooperates with other regional cancer centers. Together we create a new operating model to promote current and high quality cancer care and research in Finland.

To develop our activities, FICAN South has launched several cooperation projects

In our cooperation projects, the participants must be from at least two different FICAN South contracting parties (HUS, University of Helsinki, The Wellbeing services counties of Päijät-Häme, Kymenlaakso and South Karelia) whose tasks relate to cancer prevention, diagnostics, treatment or rehabilitation, cancer research and/or cancer-related education.

FICAN South has granted funding for clinical  projects for 2025

  • Improving treatment outcomes in cancer patients with thromboprophylaxis: Apixaban versus standard treatment during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for bladder cancer patients and after urological, abdominal and gynecological cancer surgeries – randomized ACB and ARTS studies
    Principal investigator: Professor Kari Tikkinen, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki; HUS Abdominal Center, Department of Urology
  • Can extensive real-world data analysis offer novel tools to guide the treatment of HER2-positive, metastatic breast cancer?
    Principal investigator: Research director, professor Peeter Karihtala, Comprehensive Cancer Center HUS and Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki
  • Personalized Diagnostics in High-grade Serous Carcinoma
    Principal investigator: Academy Research Fellow, MD Anni Virtanen, HUS Diagnostic Center and  Faculty of Medicine, Research Program Systems Oncology, University of Helsinki
  • PErsonalized TReatment for Endometrial Carcinoma (PETREC)
    Principal investigator: Chief physician, Adjunct professor Mikko Loukovaara, HUS Gynecology and Obstetrics & HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • PROtective ileoStomy versus ProtectivE colostomy in anterior Rectal resectIon – a multicenter, open-label, randomized conTrolled studY (PROSPERITY)
    Principal investigator: Adjunct professor, Dr. Laura Koskenvuo, HUS Abdominal Center
  • Development and implementation of digital treatment paths for cancer patients on a digital platform in cooperation with the wellbeing services counties of South Karelia, Kymenlaakso and Päijät-Häme
    Project Manager: Chief physician Mari Metso-Lintula, Wellbeing services county of South Karelia
  • Developing an integrated molecular tumor board (iMTB) reporting system for cancer precision medicine
    Project Manager: Adjunct professor Vilja Pietiäinen, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland/ HiLIFE, University of Helsinki
  • Clinical trial LD-VenEx oral outpatient treatment for acute myeloid leukemia
    Principal investigator:  Adjunct professor Dr. Mika Kontro, Comprehensive Cancer Center, HUS 

FICAN South Call for Applications 2025

FICAN South received 32 clinical project applications and funding was applied for totaling 1 222 712 €

Funding was granted for cooperation projects involving actors from at least two FICAN South contracting parties (HUS, UH, Wellbeing services counties of Päijät-Häme, Kymenlaakso and South Carelia). The project evaluation was carried out by an external evaluation board. All applications were evaluated in four different categories (clinical level, collaboration, applicability( benefit to the patient), other funding for the group / applicant). Funding was granted to eight clinical projects totaling EUR 238 000 €.

Further information:
Director Mika Mustonen, FICAN South